This year we are hosting the event at the National Institute of Aerospace located at 100 Exploration Way Hampton, VA 23666. Please save the dates of August 9-11, 2022 (Tuesday – Thursday). We may also reserve seating for a social event in the evening depending on social distancing and interest. The Workshop venue has a 60 person capacity so please send us your intent to attend early!
Call for Participants
If you are interested in presenting at this year’s workshop, we’d like to know! Novel OpenVSP applications, ongoing research with OpenVSP as a primary geometry or analysis tool, modifications or development to the source code, and optimization or toolchain integration with OpenVSP are among the topics we would be happy to include. Note that the focus of presentations should be OpenVSP or it’s application rather than presenting on a particular design or optimization solution. Please send your presentation topic and title along with your registration information.
Registration information must be emailed to Brandon Litherland (NASA LaRC) to confirm your seat. Please include:
- Name
- Email address
- Organization affiliation or Self
- Meal preferences for Tues/Wed/Thurs (if the menus haven’t been posted yet, we will follow up with you)
- Any topics of interest you would like to see at the workshop.
- Presentation topic and title, if interested in sharing your work.
The workshop will be in-person only this year but we will be uploading recorded presentations along with slides after the workshop is concluded.
There are no registration fees!
The NIA has kindly offered to handle lunches and refreshments. Menu options from Jason’s Deli and Marco’s Pizza will be provided once we have updated menus. We may also have a catered lunch available. Funds will be paid to the NIA on arrival for meals. Cash only, please. You also have the option of eating locally, if you wish. In this case, let us know your choice for the day in question. Your meal choices will be documented with your registration and the appropriate funds will be requested at the event.
Note that there will not be a reserved block of lodging rooms for this event but that there are several hotels a short distance from the venue to suit your travel needs.
The agenda will include presentations, tutorials, and recent and ongoing developments to OpenVSP updates. Topics will range from introductory concepts to advanced modeling techniques, interconnectivity between OpenVSP and other tools, analysis and validation, and more!
Additional details will be sent out to registered participants and presenters as the Workshop approaches. Information will be added to the 2022 Workshop page as the schedule is set.
Please email Brandon Litherland if you have any questions about the Workshop. We look forward to seeing you!