Hi, everyone!
I’m pleased to announce that the Propeller component video tutorials are up on the Ground School website. This means that the Chapter One video content is effectively complete! There are a few top-level topics to add yet such as how to navigate the training content and how to access the example files. I’ll get to those in a bit. I also need to write up the topic introductions for the Propeller pages so you have some context before starting. For now, I hope that you are enjoying the tutorials and finding them useful! Throughout the process of making these videos, I’ve learned a great deal about each VSP component including some of the little nuances and handy behaviors that make them shine. Even after more than 6 years of using this amazing tool, I’m still surprised at the versatility.
As we organize the new team and get production of new content running, expect to have lots more updates for the remaining Chapters. Modeling design intent, running analyses, working with other tools, scripting, and other advanced topics are but a small sample of what’s to come.
I’d like to say ‘Thank you’ to Rob McDonald, Justin Gravett, and Dave Kinney for their support over the last year and for being patient with me as I dove into the details of component behaviors. I’d also like to thank Ted Sidehamer and the folks at NASA LaRC Sites for providing the framework and guidance for developing the website. Finally, many thanks to NASA’s Transformation Tools and Technologies (TTT) Project for funding this effort over the last year and for continuing to support this resource for the VSP community!
See you soon and thank you!