This tutorial covers how to alter the leading edge and trailing edge closure of Wing type components.
This tutorial covers how to alter the leading edge and trailing edge closure of Wing type components.
This tutorial covers how to use blending to create smooth winglets in OpenVSP.
This tutorial covers changing the Wing geometry by using parameters under the Planform (Plan) tab. Parameters such as Area, Mean Chord, and Span are available for modification.
The Angle parameter controls the angle of the feature line passing through a cross-section relative to the section normal. This video demonstrates how to alter the Angle parameter for skinning cross-sections and the sign convention associated with the before and after sides of the section.
Skinning is a very powerful and useful method of lofting your component surfaces into the desired shape or profile. Skinning controls the behaviors of the four feature lines passing through each cross-section in components such as Stacks or Fuselages. Users have control over the before and after directions of the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right sides of each cross-section as well as the option of enforcing Skinning symmetry and/or continuity. As mentioned in other topics, it is almost always best to use fewer cross-sections and leverage skinning to achieve the desired shape rather than enforce many sections. This tutorial serves as an introduction into Skinning and will describe a few of the controls available in OpenVSP.